

The Timeline module displays the workday of each employee in a helpful hourly timeline. Admins/Managers can view how each employee spent their day.


The timeline has a single-date filter and a teams filter, as well as a user filter. By default, the current date and the entire organization are selected.


Each employee’s activity is visualized as a timeline. The shift start time is taken as the regular start of the day for the timeline, but horizontal scrolling is enabled for the entire 24-hour period. 

Timeline detail

The timeline is divided into 24 intervals and clicking on any 1-hour interval opens up the timeline detail view for that hour.

The timeline detail view displays the productivity and activity percentages in that interval along with a minute breakdown of the user’s activity. The breakdown interval can vary from 5-30 minutes corresponding to the screenshot frequency in settings.

Enterprise-tier customers can set a higher frequency of screenshots.

Timeline detail screenshots

The hour-interval timeline is further sub-divided into sections as per the screenshot frequency applicable to the team/user. For example, if the screenshot frequency is set to once every 5 minutes then the hour interval timeline will be divided into 60/5 i.e. 12 sections. Clicking on each section will open up the screenshot for that interval along with other details. 

Admin can flag or download screenshots if required.

Activity Detail

Displays the duration of the interval represented by the screenshot and the application logs as well as keypresses and mouse clicks recorded in that interval.

Application Logs

Displays the list of apps accessed during the interval.

If screenshot permission is disabled, clicking on each section will only reveal other details such as Application Logs and Activity Detail.

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