

Attendance provides a deeper insight into employees’ attendance trends, breaks and working patterns through colourful widgets, graphs and tables. Attendance feature has 3 views: Summary, Detailed and Date-wise Attendance:

Summary view

The attendance summary view collates the summary presence statistics for the organization. This module is useful for viewing overall attendance metrics for the organization.


With the help of Teams and Date range filters, admin has the flexibility to access the insights of any team on any date range. And with the download button admin can download these insights in PDF format. By default, the team filter is set to the entire organization and the date range filter is set to “Last 7 days”

Metric cards

The attendance metric cards display attendance %, late arrivals %, total break time and total working time. They also display the movement of the metric in the previous period. For ex. Attendance % for the last 7 days is 25% more than the last period i.e. previous 7 days.

Today’s attendance widget

This widget always displays today’s attendance and is not impacted by changing date filters. Team filters apply.

This bar graph shows the trend of present/absent figures over the filtered date range.

This line graph displays the trend of total break time taken by the filtered team over the filtered date range.

Late Arrival Tendency

This grouped bar graph shows the number of late and on-time arrivals within the applied filters

Attendance Detail

The attendance detail view displays the attendance trends and detailed table containing relevant stats. This module is useful for viewing detailed attendance metrics for the organization.


The attendance summary page provides the Team filter, users filter and date range filter which allows admins to filter data as needed.

Trend Graph

Detailed Table

The detailed table view displays the list of employees as per the applied filters. For each employee, attendance, working time, online time and break time are listed as well as a view calendar button is provided. Upon clicking the view calendar button, a modal popup shows the present/absent stats for the month.

Clicking on each day when the employee was present reveals the detailed presence logs for the employee, with the in/out timestamps and the working time duration.

Datewise Attendance

In this view, Admins/managers can see the present/absent statistics for a particular day.

Present employees are arranged in a list on the left and absent employees on the right.

For each present employee, the in/out timings are also displayed.

Please note that for each day, only in timings will be visible for present employees who have not checked out yet. Also, the in/out timings displayed are the first In/ last out timings, i.e., if a present employee has punched in/out several times during the day then the timing of the first punch-in and the last punch-out will be displayed in this list.

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