Filters & Pin filters

Filters & Pin filters



Filters are powerful tools within each feature of We360, designed to streamline your search process and help you find exactly what you're looking for. Whether you're analyzing team performance, group metrics, or individual user data, our intuitive filters make it easy to customize your view and extract valuable insights.

Why Use Filters

Filters empower you to refine your search criteria, ensuring you focus only on the data that matters most to you. By narrowing down your results based on specific teams, groups, or individual users, you can extract targeted analytics tailored to your needs. Additionally, the date filter allows you to delve into historical data for a specific date or date range, providing comprehensive insights into your organization's performance over time.

Pin filter

Understanding the Pin Feature

Pinning your filters ensures they remain consistent across all features and dashboards in We360. Save time and effort by avoiding the need to manually reapply filters when switching between different features. Pinning filters allow you to maintain focus on specific teams, users, or date ranges without distractions.

Pinning filters only work on Team filter, Select Users filter, and all types of Date filter. Users and Teams filter have one common pin, and this single pin affects both users and teams filter.

Example: Let's say you've filtered the “Activity” feature for a specific team and last week's date range. By pinning these filters, they'll automatically apply to other features, let’s say “Productivity” feature, without the need for manual adjustments.

Using the Pin Feature:

  1. After selecting your desired filters in any feature or dashboard, simply click on the pin icon to lock them in place, you’ll find the pin icon beside each filter.
  2. Once pinned, your filters will automatically apply to all other features or dashboards in We360, providing a seamless analytical experience.
  3. Unpinning Filters: Need to make changes? Simply unpin the filters to customize your analysis for each feature individually.
  4. Clear Filter Button: Easily reset your filters with the clear filter button. This resets all filters except the date filter to the default value (last 7 days), providing flexibility while maintaining focus on your chosen time frame.

Important Note:

It's essential to understand that pinning works on the same type of filter only. For example, if you set the team filter and pinned it, then on all the features or dashboards wherever there is a team filter, you will get the pinned team filter and data according to that.

Feature modules and type of date filters?

We have a date range filter, single date picker filter, and month picker filter. So, pinning the date range filter will only affect the features which have date range filters only and not single date or month filters.

Date Range Filter

Single Date Picker Filter

Month Picker Filter

No Date Filter









Monthly Attendance Report



(Datewise attendance)

Monthly In-Out Report

Device Report




(Summary & Detailed)



(Summary & Detailed)

Daily Attendance Report


Break Report

Apps & URLs

Teams Insight Report

Apps/URLs Report

Alert Report

Productivity Report

Activity Report

Dynamic Report

Logs Report

So you might have got the idea about the working of the pin filter feature. It’s easy to use.

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