Helpful Tip:
Consider naming the application policy after the team to which it will be assigned. This approach simplifies the process of assigning the application policy to teams, making it more efficient and straightforward.
Step 1: Navigate to the "Settings'' in the left navigation bar. Within the settings, select "Productivity Rules". On this page, you will find the list of categories on the right and the list of existing application policies on the left. The mapping and application policy tabs are at the top.
Step 2: To add a new application policy, click on the add policy button which is denoted by “purple plus sign”.
Step 3: A popup window will appear, prompting you to enter the Application Policy Name, marked as (*) mandatory. Fill in the required details, and then click on the "Submit" button to add the new application policy.
Step 4: The system will display a confirmation message “Update successfully” on top of the screen to verify that the newly added application policy has been successfully created.
Step 5: Next, click on the newly added application policy. On the right-hand side, you will find a list of categories, each with three options (Productive, Unproductive, and Neutral) in front of them. Assign the suitable category labels (Productive, Unproductive, or Neutral) to each category according to your requirements, as demonstrated in the example below.
Important Note:
This application policy needs to be assigned to a specific team. To understand the process, refer to the guide titled "How to assign an Application Policy to a team?"