Step 1: Navigate to the "Settings'' in the left navigation bar. Look for and select the "Shifts" tab.
Step 2: Within the Shifts section, locate the "Add Shift" button, usually located on the top right side of the screen. Click on the "Add Shift" button to initiate the process of creating a new shift.
Step 3: A popup window will appear, prompting you to fill in the necessary details for the new shift.
Note: Ensure that you fill in all the required fields, marked with (*) as they are mandatory.
Name: Enter the name of the working shift, such as morning, afternoon, evening, or night shifts
Start time: Specify the time when the shift is scheduled to begin.
End time: Specify the time when the shift is scheduled to end.
Grace period (in minutes): Set the duration of the grace period, allowing employees to arrive late after the designated "Start Time" or leave early before the scheduled "End Time."
Max Break Time (in minutes): Define the maximum break duration for a particular break type allowed for employees during the shift.
Weekly off: Select the specific days of the week when employees are not required to work. During these days, employee tracking will be disabled, and no tracking data will be recorded or stored.
Step 4: After providing all the necessary shift information, review the details to ensure accuracy. Click on the "Submit" button within the popup to save the newly added shift.
The system will display a confirmation message “Update successfully” on top of the screen to verify that the changes have been successfully saved.
By following these steps, you can easily add a new shift and customise the working hours and settings for your employees.