Employee Scorecard

Employee Scorecard

Just as the name says, it’s a complete scorecard of employees' performance. One place to see all the working analytics of an employee in a month. Compare the employee’s performance and see how well that employee is performing with the respective team and company. See the monthly presence, productivity, goal achievement and workload of the employee in a month. As admin/manager or employee anyone can download this scorecard. Let this scorecard be the voice of the performance of the employee.

Comparative Analysis of User's Performance

It is designed to give a comprehensive overview of an employee's performance across multiple dimensions, providing valuable insights for managers, admins, and the employees themselves.
It presents a multi-faceted comparison of an employee’s performance by plotting key performance indicators (KPIs) on a five-sided graph. Each vertex of the pentagon represents a distinct KPI, allowing you to see at a glance how an employee is performing relative to their team and the entire company.

Holistic Insights into User's Monthly Performance

The Employee Scorecard provides detailed insights into various aspects of an employee’s monthly performance:
  1. Attendance: View the attendance of a month, total number of half days taken, late arrivals, early departures, average working time, and total break time. Identify patterns and address attendance issues promptly.
  2. Productivity: Get a comprehensive analysis of total and average productive, neutral, and unproductive time. Identify the most and least productive days to optimize workflows and enhance productivity.
  3. Activity: Capture metrics on total and average online, active, and idle time. Understand working habits and ensure optimal engagement and efficiency.
  4. Apps & URLs: Track the application and website usage patterns, distinguishing between productive and unproductive ones. Identify the most used categories, URLs, and applications.
  5. Goals: Analyze monthly goal achievement, comparing how often goals were met versus missed. Recognize high performers and provide necessary support to others.
  6. Wellness: See the occupancy of employees, indicating days when they were overburdened or underutilized. Strategize workload balance to prevent burnout and ensure fair task distribution.

Impact on Employees and Decision Makers

The Employee Scorecard has a significant impact on both employees and decision-makers:

For Employees:

  1. Self-Assessment: Helps employees understand their performance in context and identify areas for improvement.
  2. Motivation: Encourages employees to improve by showing their performance relative to peers.
  3. Transparency: Fosters a culture of transparency and clarity in performance evaluation.

For Decision Makers:

  1. Holistic View: Provides a comprehensive snapshot of an employee’s performance.
  2. Trend Identification: Quickly identifies performance trends and patterns.
  3. Benchmarking: Facilitates comparison of individual performance against team and company averages.
  4. Targeted Development: Enables tailored development plans based on specific insights.


The Employee Scorecard, with its Comparative Analysis Chart and holistic performance insights, is an essential tool for effective performance management. It offers valuable insights that can enhance productivity, ensure employee well-being, and drive overall organizational success.

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