
Livestream 2.0 Livestream dashboard reflects an employee's real-time work highlights. Get an overview of the employee’s work in the tile format representing the current app or URL used within a specified time and the current status of an employee (active, idle, offline or working). Also, after you click on it, you can see the screenshot of the particular employee’s screen. You can access these real-time work highlights using two views - list and grid.


The dashboard provides three essential filters: the Teams Filter, the Users Filter and the Date Range Filter.

Teams Filter

The Teams Filter allows you to focus on specific teams within your organization. To use it:

  • Click on the Teams Filter.

  • A dropdown menu will appear, displaying all available teams.

  • You can select multiple teams from the list to customize the dashboard view.

  • To clear the filter, click on “clear” on the dropdown

By default, the dashboard displays data from all teams within your organization.

Users Filter

  • The Users Filter allows you to focus on specific individuals and streamline data exploration. To use it:

  • Click the Users Filter dropdown to view the list of users to select from.
    When you apply the Teams Filter, the Users Filter will display only the members of the selected teams in the dropdown, making it easier to find relevant users.

  • Select multiple users using the scroll bar to view more users

  • To find specific users quickly, type three or more characters, and the Users List will populate with matching results.Data is filtered automatically once users are selected. 

  • To clear the filter, click on “clear” on the dropdown

By default, all users are selected, providing a comprehensive view of the data.

Date Range Filter

The Date Range Filter enables you to view data within a specific time frame. To use it:

  • Click on the Date Range Filter.

  • A Calendar will appear in the dropdown, allowing you to choose any duration, starting from one day up to the last date allowed based on your applicable data retention period.

  • Select the From date and To date or click on any preset date range available on the left of the dropdown

By default, the Date Range Filter is set to display data for the "last 7 days."

Please note that the data retention period is defined as per your license agreement.

For more information on data retention, please visit <link>.

Additionally, On Livestream, current connection status is denoted by a status icon next to the Users Filter. If all systems/connections are functioning as expected, then the status is green. Otherwise, it will be yellow/red. Please reach out to our support team in case the status icon is not green.

Grid view

Current status

On Livestream grid, each card corresponds to a user in the filtered team and user filters.

If the user is offline, the card displays only the user’s name, and is greyed out with an airplane mode icon upon it

If the user is online, the card displays the following details as the current status

  • Name of the user

  • Email ID of the user

  • Current Application/URL usage with topic/page details - For ex. If a particular tab is being viewed in chrome by user A, then you can see the name of the page/tab and Chrome as the name of the application. If the user is on break, then this section displays “On Break” as usage details are not fetched when the user is on a break.

  • Time elapsed since current status started - For ex: If the user is using Linkedin for 10 minutes, this timer will show “10 minutes ago” indicating that the user starting using Linkedin 10 minutes ago. Similarly, if the user is on break, you can see the elapsed break time here.

On-demand screenshots

You can view on-demand screenshots for any active user by clicking on the corresponding card. Hovering on the card displays the screenshot icon indicating that a screenshot can be fetched if clicked.

This feature provides real-time insight into each user’s work and is a powerful tool to evaluate work patterns and ensure compliance with workplace regulations.

List view

In the Livestream list view, each row corresponds to a user as filtered using the Teams and Users filter. Similar to the grid view, if the user is offline, there is an airplane mode icon and the row is greyed out.

If the user is online, the following details are displayed - 

  • Name of the user

  • Email ID of the user

  • Current Application/URL usage with topic/page details - For ex. If a particular tab is being viewed in chrome by user A, then you can see the name of the page/tab and Chrome as the name of the application. If the user is on break, then this section displays “On Break” as usage details are not fetched when the user is on a break.

  • Time elapsed since current status started - For ex: If the user is using Linkedin for 10 minutes, this timer will show “10 minutes ago” indicating that the user starting using Linkedin 10 minutes ago. Similarly, if the user is on break, you can see the elapsed break time here.

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