Logs Report

Logs Report


Step into the new Logs Report feature in We360.ai – an invaluable resource providing detailed insights into your organization's activities. This comprehensive report offers a tabular representation of event logs, allowing you to delve into various aspects of employee behavior and productivity.
Explore each log entry meticulously to uncover vital details such as employee and team affiliations, application and URL usage, session duration, productivity mapping status, active and idle times, key presses, mouse clicks, and system status. With this wealth of information at your fingertips, you can gain a deeper understanding of your team's workflow dynamics and optimize productivity across your organization.
Whether you're a manager, HR professional, CXO, or admin, the Logs Report feature empowers you to make informed decisions and drive performance improvements with precision. Dive into the data, identify patterns, and take proactive steps to elevate your organization to new heights of efficiency and success.

What Is the Purpose of the Log Report?

At its core, the Log Report is designed to help you keep track of how employees are interacting with their devices throughout the day. Every action, from application and URL usage to keyboard strokes and mouse clicks, is recorded. This feature gives managers the ability to understand not only what their team is working on, but also how they are working—whether they are active or idle, how much time they are spending on specific apps/URLs, and the overall productivity of their efforts.
Imagine having a complete record of every key detail of your team's workday. For example, let’s say an employee, John Doe, worked on a Google Docs document titled "3rd Quarter Productmap" for 6 hours over the course of the week, and another file titled "Marketing Expenditure Spreadsheet" for 4 hours. The Log Report would show you exactly how much time he spent on each file, when he was actively working on them, and even provide metrics on his system activity, like key presses and mouse clicks.

Comprehensive Insights: Summary, Daily Breakdown, and Detailed Log Analysis

The Logs Report consists of three distinct tabs—Summary, Datewise, and Individual Log—each providing unique insights into employee activities. The Summary Tab collates total time spent on a single title over a selected date range, the Datewise Tab breaks it down daily, and the Individual Log Tab offers detailed timestamps for multiple instances of title usage.

Summary Tab: The Summary tab gives a high-level overview of how time is spent on individual titles (applications or URLs) by each user during a specific date range. This is especially useful for seeing the total time an employee has spent working on specific documents, websites, or apps, allowing you to quickly identify where the bulk of their time is going.
Example: Over a week, John worked on "3rd Quarter Productmap" for a total of 6 hours. You can easily view the total time John spent on this documents within the selected time period.

Datewise Tab: The Datewise tab takes a closer look by breaking down the total time spent per day on each individual title. This provides a day-by-day breakdown, helping you see when work is being done and if there are any patterns in productivity.
Example: You can see that John worked on "3rd Quarter Productmap" for 1 hour everyday, giving a clear picture of how his work was spread out across the week.

Individual Log Tab: This tab provides an event-by-event breakdown of each title or URL usage, giving precise timestamps for every recorded action. It helps managers drill down into the finer details, such as when the employee worked on a specific URL/App and for how long.
Example: The log shows that John worked on the google document "3rd Quarter Productmap" at 11:00 AM, 11:30 AM, 01:00 PM and 03:30 PM on October 03, allowing you to see exactly when the work was being done.

Why the Log Report Is Important:

  1. Granular Insights: The Log Report allows you to monitor not just the overall productivity of employees, but also the finer details of what they are working on. You can see how much time employees are spending on each project, and whether they are using their time effectively.
  2. Identify Bottlenecks: With detailed breakdowns of active and idle times, managers can quickly spot any productivity bottlenecks. For example, if an employee has high idle time during what should be active work hours, this could indicate a need for support or workflow adjustments.
  3. Monitor System Activity: The report also tracks system status (active, idle), key presses, and mouse clicks, helping managers understand how engaged employees are with their work.
  4. Customization Through Filters: You can refine your search by using filters such as team search, user search, or date range. This helps narrow down the logs to specific teams or individual employees, giving you more focused insights.


The Log Report is a powerful tool for understanding the productivity and work patterns of your employees. With its three main tabs—Summary, Datewise, and Individual Log—it gives you a complete picture of how time is being spent at a granular level. This can help managers make informed decisions, support employees better, and ultimately drive higher efficiency within the organisation.

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