Manual Time

Manual Time

A guide to Manual Time Feature


The Manual Time Entry feature in we360 simplifies the logging of non-computer-based work activities, such as office meetings and phone calls, providing a holistic view of employee productivity.

Entries undergo review and approval/rejection by respective team managers, ensuring data accuracy and integrity. Once approved, entries cannot be edited, maintaining precision in records.

Adding and Approving manual time entries

Manual time entries can be submitted by anyone, whether an Employee, Manager, or Admin. This feature is accessible from the left navigation bar under the section labelled “Manual Time.

For entries submitted by Employees, the status remains pending until approval or rejection by their relevant team’s Manager. Employees have the option to delete their own pending entries.

Once approved or rejected, Manual Time entries cannot be altered. However, users can preview entries along with approval or rejection remarks after the review process.

Entries added by Admins or Managers do not undergo automatic approval and require validation from personnel equivalent or higher in their respective team hierarchy. Employees can only preview their own Manual Time entries, while Managers have access to entries of their team as well as other Managers within their team.

Manual time entries are added for previous dates only (excluding the current date) to ensure accurate historical data and to accurately record the current day's activities in real-time. This helps maintain the reliability and integrity of our data, reflecting true work patterns without any same-day manual adjustments.

Users need to specify the time duration, provide a summary, and attach an image (in png, jpg, or jpeg format) while submitting the entry. It’s a straightforward process to submit manual time entries.

Steps to Add Manual time

  1. Navigate to the "Manual Time" section from the left navigation menu.

  2. Click on the "Add Manual Time" button.

  3. Select the desired date and time duration using the dropdowns for "From" and "To" times.

  4. Provide a summary and attach an image (in png, jpg, or jpeg format) for clarity.

  5. Once all necessary information is filled, click on "Submit" to complete the process.

Manual time as tracked time

Approved manual time entries are reflected in multiple modules and tables, including activity, productivity, timeline, and goal feature modules for the date submitted. They override existing data in the same time slot.

For example

Employee has a offline client meeting:

4 PM → 5 PM, so Active time = 0 hours

Manual time added:

4 PM → 5 PM


4 PM → 5 PM, Active time = 1 hour

Another example

Employee on google meet:

11:00 AM → 11:50 AM, Active time = 20 Min; idle time = 30 min

Manual time added:

11:00 AM → 11:50 AM


11:00 AM → 11:50 AM, Active time = 50 Min; idle time = 00 min

Note: Manual time entries contribute to active and productive time metrics, providing accurate insights into employee performance and productivity.

Overlapping the existing data

Timeline Module  →  The time slot from 4 PM to 5 PM will be updated with Manual Time's data, reflecting the revised activity. Users can view the Manual Time log by clicking on the corresponding time slot, which may include attached images (if added).

Activity module  →  1 hour of active time will be added to the total active time for that day. Any existing activity within the same time period will be replaced by the updated activity.

Productivity module  →  1 hour of productive time will contribute to the total productive time for the day. Similar to the activity module, any existing productivity within the same timeframe will be replaced by the updated productivity.

Goals  →  Since goals are based on active and productive time, updates in Manual Time entries will reflect in the goals metrics, altering the active and productive time accordingly.

Attendance  →  Attendance entries for the specified time period will not be affected. The manual time entries do not alter the recorded working time, nor do they update the arrival and departure times. The clock-in time remains unchanged.

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