Time calculation

Time calculation





Attendance %

When selected date range is 1, total employees present/ total employee strength

When selected date range is >1, total employees present/total employee strength averaged over the date range

When range(date)=1, Sum(present employees)/ Sum(Total employees)

When range(date) >1, Sigma(i=1 to i=range(date)){Sum(present employees)/Sum(Total employees)}/range(date)

Late Arrivals

When the selected date range is 1, the percentage of present employees who have punched in after the start of their shift and outside the grace period. For example - if an employee punches in 10+  minutes after the start of the shift where 10  is the grace period in minutes, then she is a late arrival for the day.

When the selected date range is >1, the percentage of late arrivals against Total present employees averaged over the date range.

When range(date)=1, Sum(Late employees)/ Sum(Present employees)

When range(date) >1, Sigma(i=1 to i=range(date){Sum(late employees)/Sum(Present employees)}/range(date)

Early arrivals

Total number of employees who have punched in before the start of their shift.

On time arrivals

Total number of employees who have punched in within the grace period after the start of their shift or have punched in before start of their shift are marked as on-time arrivals.

Working Time

Total working time clocked by employees calculated as the sum of all punched-in durations for all employees

Sum of successive (punch out - punch in) actions/events for all employees

Online Time

Total time spent by employees between punch-in and punch-out time, where their activity can be detected.

Sum of online time for all employees

Break Time

Total break time taken by the employees in hours and minutes

Sum of (total break time taken) for all employees




Top Application

The application on which the maximum amount of online time was spent by employees (subject to applied filters)


The URL on which the maximum amount of online time was spent by employees (subject to applied filters)

Top Category

The productivity category, comprising of apps/URLs on which the maximum amount of online time was spent by employees (subject to applied filters)




Health %

Total healthy days/Total present days

Overburdened %

Total Overburdened days/ Total present days

Underutilised %

Total Underutilised days/ Total present days


Total number of days when the employee’s total working time was within the healthy range on the wellness scale in settings.


Total number of days when the employee’s total working time was within the Overburdened range on the wellness scale in settings.


Total number of days when the employee’s total working time was within the Underutilised range on the wellness scale in settings.




Online Time

Total time spent by employees between punch-in and punch-out time, where their activity can be detected.

Active Time

Online time spent while being active on the keyboard/mouse

Idle Time

Online time spent with no keyboard/mouse activity

Break Time

Total break time taken by the employees in hours and minutes


No. of keypresses recorded by the employee within applicable filters

Mouse Clicks

No. of mouse clicks recorded by the employee within applicable filters

Activity %

(Active time/Online time)*100




Online Time

Total time spent by employees between punch-in and punch-out time, where their activity can be detected.

Productive Time

Active time spent on Productive category apps

Unproductive Time

Active time spent on Unproductive category apps

Neutral Time

Active time spent on Neutral category apps

Break Time

Total break time taken by the employees in hours and minutes

Productive %

(Productive time/Online time)*100


Working time = 9 hour = punch out - punch in (multiple iterate)


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